Women Only Horsemanship & Energy Healing Clinics
Clinics will be focused on body work for horse and rider in a group setting along with horsemanship. These will be 3-day clinics limited to 10 participants.
I’ve seen some remarkable changes in the horse and rider at these women’s healing retreats. It is nice because I can watch the horse and riders during the horsemanship phase of the clinics and see areas where I may help them with body work. I try to keep things fun, but educational. What I’ve found is that within the group we will support each other, making the experience extra special.
If you are interested in having your horse worked on and or hosting a clinic please contact me directly. Call 406-839-4536 or email Trinacurtin@gmail.com.
Trina’s intuition based approach to Energetic Healing.
Through out the years I have worked with many equine and human practitioners in both eastern and western medicine. This has included veterinarians, homeopathic and holistic chiropractors, acupuncturists, Myofascial release therapists, and reiki (energy healing) practitioners. After studying and using all of these techniques, I have found I’m most beneficial to the horse using my intuition based energetic healing.
I have found that if I use my energetic healing process, I can pinpoint places on the horse’s body that needs help and or healing. If the horse has a say and or input into the healing the adjustments will come through for the horse and they will last longer. This healing process is one of those things you will have to see to believe and believe to see. However, the horse knows it works and will respond in a remarkable, positive manner. I’m truly blessed to be able work with these wonderful animals.